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4 FAQ About the Suspension System on Your Vehicle

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The suspension system on a vehicle is between the frame and the road. The suspension system’s primary function is to maximize the overall performance of a vehicle as it cruises down the road. The suspension system also helps to absorb bumps in the road and provide a safe and comfortable ride.

If you want to know more about your vehicle’s suspension system, discover the answers to four frequently asked questions.

  1. What Parts Make Up the Suspension System?

The suspension system on your vehicle consists of the following parts:

  • Tires. These are the only part of the suspension system that touches the ground.
  • Coil springs. These are the part that absorbs the impact when a vehicle hits a bump in the road.
  • Shock absorbers. Sometimes called the shocks or dampers, this part supports the coil spring to further reduce the impact of a bump or pothole.
  • Rods/linkages. These parts work together to link different parts of the suspension system together.
  • Joints/bearings/bushings. These parts allow certain components of the suspension system to make sliding actions.

Some vehicles do not have shock absorbers. Instead, these vehicles come with struts. A strut is similar to a shock absorber, as it provides support for the suspension as well as the coil springs.

The steering system is also important as it works with the entire suspension system to make the car turn. The entire suspension system sits on top of the vehicle’s frame, which carries the weight of the vehicle.

  1. What Signs Indicate a Problem with the Suspension System?

Your vehicle’s suspension system sustains a lot of wear and tear. When you drive over potholes, hit bumps in the road, crash into the curb, or get into a fender bender, these all take a toll on the suspension system. Because of this wear and tear, your suspension system requires regular maintenance.

In some instances, your suspension system may require an evaluation by a professional auto technician. Learn about some signs you should have a professional look at your suspension system:

  • Your vehicle takes a nosedive when you hit the brakes.
  • Your vehicle pulls to the side when you drive it down the road.
  • Your vehicle feels like it drifts when you turn a corner.
  • Your vehicle keeps bouncing after you hit a pothole or bump in the road.
  • Your vehicle no longer provides a smooth ride.

Some of these signs could also indicate that you need new tires or a wheel alignment. However, any of these signs warrant an inspection as soon as possible.

  1. When Do Parts of the Suspension System Need Replacement?

Like any part of your vehicle, you will eventually need to replace certain parts of your suspension system. This is especially the case with your shocks or struts. You may need to replace your shocks or struts between 50,000 and 100,000 miles. This number is not set in stone, however.

If you routinely drive on rough, bumpy roads, you may need to replace your shocks and struts sooner. If you drive on smooth surfaces only, the shocks and struts will most likely last much longer.

If you notice fluid leaking from your shocks and struts, or they are greasy, you may need to replace them. If the mounts and bushings around the shocks and struts are damaged, you will want to replace all of these parts of the suspension system.

  1. Who Can Provide Suspension Systems Repairs and Maintenance?

Are you concerned about your vehicle’s suspension system? Do you need to have the suspension system looked at by ASE-certified technicians? Or, maybe you know the time is right to replace your shocks and struts. Whatever the case may be, contact Evans Tire & Service Centers. We have helped California drivers keep their cars on the road for over 40 years.

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