San Diego was laid out with the motorist traveler in mind. To link the city’s outlying suburban regions, an extensive road and highway network was built and is continually being augmented to better serve its populace. While an effective public transportation system is in place, most residents and guests of San Diego prefer to use their own cars to get around. This translates to over a hundred thousand cars grinding rubber on the roads of the city and the road environments.

Of the various automobile systems, the tires take the greatest beating, being the vehicle’s actual interface with the road. While San Diego’s roads are good in comparison to say Mexico (no offense, Mexico), tires nevertheless wear down and are subject to unexpected punctures. Thus, motorists should remember to regularly check the condition of their tires and replace any extremely worn down tires with new, quality tires.
Perhaps to your surprise, the simplest task in tire maintenance is checking inflation pressure. Over inflated tires compromise safety and fuel economy, and are more likely to suffer flats. Failing to correct tire pressure can also accelerate tire wear thereby reducing service life. That’s why a tire pressure gauge is an indispensible instrument for any motorist. (And you thought that gauge was just to make your car look more official like one from The Fast and The Furious.)
Another important task in maintaining your car’s tires is to rotate them periodically, as recommended in the owner’s manual. Doing so helps distribute the tread wear on each tire, to prevent early loss of rubber on just one area. This simple measure could remarkably extend the service life of a set of tires.
One handy tip in checking the overall condition of a vehicle’s tires is to insert a penny into the tread. If the penny can’t get in deep enough, it means that the tires are worn down to unsafe conditions and should be replaced as soon as possible. Of course, if you’re looking for replacement tires and auto parts in San Diego then one of our 16 locations at Evans can assist you with all that you need.
Indeed, San Diego is a motorist-friendly place with its vast and smooth road network, but it doesn’t mean that cars, in particular their tires, won’t be facing any sort of trouble. Tire care and maintenance is a must for all motorists and should be done as often and as fastidiously as possible. Tires that have gone beyond their safe service life should be replaced before they cause any problems for motorists and others around them.