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Facts You Need to Know About Oil Change in San Diego

Even with more than 300 miles of freeways and roughly 7,150 miles of streets and roads, San Diego traffic can be brutal to battle, both for you and your tires. Stop-and-go traffic combined with the ever-increasing stop signs and stoplights has everyone in Southern California burning fuel and oil twice as fast as car owners in other parts of the country.

With the lack of public transportation options in San Diego, car owners need to do a better job consistently servicing their vehicle compared to car owners elsewhere. Major car service repairs are not always necessary and can be avoided often times by simply getting an oil change on time.

An oil change sits at the top of the ownership To-Do list and should be done by ASE (Automotive Service Excellence) certified technicians. Car experts recommend a San Diego oil change service from experts like Evans Tire & Service Centers to guarantee your vehicle receive appropriate high-quality oil and proper evaluation of other automotive function.

Back when engine and oil technology was still in development, a “rule of thumb” was created to change your oil every 3,000 miles. While many car owners still follow the 3,000 mile-mark to be on the safe side; most manufactured cars in the last decade only need an oil change every 7,500 miles or so. Some synthetic oils can even cover your ride for up to 15,000 miles. However, the main factor for determining how often you should change your oil comes down to the make and model of your car.

When it comes time for an oil change just make sure you find a reliable San Diego auto service shop to visit. To know the better ones, call repair shops near you and ask their affiliations with automotive repair associations to ascertain their qualifications. You can visit or better yet, check online for reviews and price quotes to help you decide which to choose.

Great Deal on Oil Change Service at Evans Tire

$10 off Synthetic Blend Oil Change

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Expires: April 30, 2025

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$15 Off Full Synthetic Oil Change

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Expires: April 30, 2025