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Guide for Checking Tire Pressure

We all depend on good car maintenance to keep us safe. Keeping your tires inflated correctly helps to assure fuel efficiency and a smoother ride. Taking care of your tire pressure can be done at home or by a professional, depending on how comfortable you are working with your tires. Although San Diego residents have the option of turning to Evans Tire & Service Center for routine maintenance like this, the process is still relatively simple enough to do on your own. Use these simple instructions for checking air pressure at home:


 An inexpensive gauge is fine for testing air pressure. Some people prefer digital gauges; however, they aren’t necessary. Auto supply stores sell pressure gauges that measure pounds per square inch (PSI) to determine whether tires are over-inflated or under-inflated. Your car manual may also list PSI requirements for the tires. If not, you can always get recommendations from our local auto shop.

 Tips For Checking Pressure

 There are a few do it yourself options if you feel comfortable checking your tire pressure without professional help. The best readings are obtained when tires are cool. Try to locate a body shop, garage, or gas station with a tire gauge that is a mile or less from home or work. This allows you to keep your tires cool before taking readings. You can also purchase a tire gauge to keep at your home.

 Adding or Removing Air

 Readings shouldn’t be more than five pounds above or below recommendations. Whether you’re doing this process at home with your own air compressor or at a nearby gas station, you need to position your vehicle for easy access to the air supply. Attach the air gauge firmly to the valve stem found on the side of the tire to get the PSI reading. It’s normal for a small amount of air to escape while taking readings. If additional air is needed, place an air hose over the valve stem (the raised, capped appendage on the inside of the tire) to add more air. If your tires are over-inflated release the air by depressing the stem in the valve. After you’ve replaced the cap on the valve stem, your car should be safe to drive.


 Although checking air quantities is a pretty simple process, it’s totally understandable if some people would rather leave it to the experts. Vehicle owners in San Diego know they can rely on the highly skilled technicians at Evans Tire & Service Centers to provide quality care.

 Whether you take care of your tires on your own or leave it to us, it’s important to remember that they need regular maintenance to run their best. Going through this simple process keeps you safe from dangerous tire blowouts and ensures that your car runs smoothly.

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