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The Most Dangerous Month and Day To Drive In San Diego

According to, the 2011 fatal car crashes and road traffic accident statistics in San Diego record a tally of 63 fatal accidents, with 96 vehicles involved, and 65 fatalities all in all. On its part, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration reported that the most dangerous month to drive is August; the most dangerous day to drive is Saturday. Even if 95 percent of these car accidents are caused by the driver himself, such accidents could have been prevented by keeping the vehicle in top condition.

Automobile accidents are the top cause of death for people between the ages 1 – 34, accounting for over 40,000 fatalities in the US every year. Some of these incidents are collisions that would have been avoided had certain precautions, such as using seat belts and observing speed limits, had been taken. So when is the worst time to drive on the road?

Time of the Day

It is believed that the most perilous times to drive are between 6 to 9 in the evening and between 3 to 6 in the morning. Factors like driving without a seat belt, driving while intoxicated, and speeding increase the incidence of car accidents.


Although weather surely plays a major role in road accidents, many people ignore conditions such as slippery roads, which multiply the danger. The first day of snow or the onset of a big snowstorm are also among the most dangerous times to drive. It takes drivers a day or two to become accustomed to driving in the snow after the season change.

It’s not the Car

According to findings, most crashes are not due to mechanical failures but to driver error. Many drivers brush aside simple road safety signs, use their phones while driving, or distract themselves by eating, or holding conversation with passengers.

Getting behind the wheel is said to be one of the most dangerous things that many people do everyday. Always practice defensive driving and observe safety precautions while on the road.  Additionally it’s important that you have your car checked regularly by a reliable mechanic in San Diego to minimize your chances of getting in an accident. Even if the driver is mostly responsible for the accident, having responsive brakes and a car in sound condition might save you from an expensive accident.

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