During the months of January and February, San Diego residents brace for the rainy season by preparing in many ways. Perhaps one of the most important ways is to check our tires. San Diego roads take on an icy-like condition throughout this time of the year due to the rain combining with the oil buildup on the roads. Let’s look at the reasons why we need to have good tires when conditions are slick.
If there isn’t enough tread on your tire you may lose control. When water mixeswith the oil buildup on the pavement it creates less friction, increasing the risk for your vehicle to hydroplane as your tires are unable to disseminate the mixture away through its grooves. It’s recommended for drivers to have large tread grooves. The water and oil glide right through them, giving you more traction and control. To check to see if you have enough tread in the first place, stick a penny in between the grooves. If you see Abraham Lincoln’s head sticking out, the tires are too shallow, and you will need new tires to be able to navigate the road when it’s wet.
Certain tires have an effect on your vehicle’s speed. San Diego drivers should check their tires’ condition and what type they are to ensure they are the correct ones for their car. For instance, radial tires drive better than old bias ply polyester tires. Additionally, the width of a tire affects traction, which is important when conditions are slick. So, be sure to look for a set of wider tires if you’re looking to replace them during the rainy season.
This is the perfect time of year to consult one of our ASE technicians to find out if your tires need to be replaced. You can get a great deal when you shop during our Buy 2 Tires, Get 2 Free tire sales at any Evans Tire San Diego location.
It is important to know whether or not you have good tires. San Diego roads are most treacherous during our rainy season, and being aware of your tires’ condition could save you and your fellow drivers’ lives. Check for good tread and grooves and know the tire type and condition, and as always, drive the appropriate speed based on the road conditions.